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TV sexuality on teens

Updated: Jan 14, 2019

By Hugo Garrido


Sexuality is undoubtedly a primary theme to talk and to carefully debate, there is no denying the importance of media in our lives today, especially when we talk about such an important topic that defines the human kind and this is why we must be aware that it is a very delicate topic to talk, we must be as cautious as possible because everyone must be respected no matter their sexual choice.

First of all, as you should know teenagers are easier to influence than older people principally due to their immaturity. The majority of teenagers around 12 to 17 years old are not aware of how dangerous the world is; that makes them more vulnerable to sexual content than any other age group. Indeed, as we know they have a particularly different interpretation of what they see on the television than a mentally healthy adult so it has definitely a bigger impact on their mind and more, according to Median Awareness Network, television is used by the teenagers as a major source of information in what concerns sex.

Based on a study by the Rando corp, teenagers who watch sexually-oriented television shows are more likely to have sex at an early age, sex is often conferred as a casual activity without risk or consequences. However is that so? Conventional wisdom assumes that the messages young viewers soak up from television stimulate sexual activity in this group. Yet, even though this point of view shown to be pervasiveness, there has been little empirical study to date of how watching sex on television influences teenagers’ sexual behaviour. In fact, television shows to be a predominant factor in the education of young people however most of the transmitted sexual content negatively affects young people of today. Due to several factors such as: lack of maturity to visualize content given to adults, lack of warnings about sexually transmissible diseases or even ease of accessing advanced sexual content.

The results also showed that people talking about sex on TV had morally the same effect on teen behaviour as own representations of sexual activity. This finding runs adverse to the defuse belief that portrayals of action have a more powerful impact than words.

To conclude, television is undoubtedly a strong influencer, this is why not only the teens but especially them, must be careful about what they see on the TV.


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