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What is the real concept of sexuality?

By João Oliveira


The concept of sexuality has been a controversial topic throughout the years as people tend to forget the real meaning of this word.

Sexuality is much more than sexual activity, which is only a small part of us as sexual living beings. It goes deeper into our emotions, feelings and sexual orientations, for instance.

Do not mistake these two words - sex and sexuality. The first word defines the sexual act itself, while the second embraces much more than body parts, much more than the sexual act itself. It includes our sexual experiences, thoughts and even fantasies. At an early stage, this concept was mostly avoided as people felt like it was a very awkward topic, something that did not make them comfortable when talking about it. Then, as the years went by, more and more people started to dive deeper into it, asking questions, experiencing new things, finding the answers they needed. It was a major development in everyone’s lives. They stopped being afraid of exposing their tastes, their needs, whether were they heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual.

On the other hand, hate and opposition grew at the same pace. Many people did not accept most of the “different” tastes that emerged. Homophobia was, and still is, one big obstacle in the “path” of free-will. Although, at this very moment, the support towards the LGBT community is growing, fortunately, and we as individuals have to fight for our own rights, with the first step being placing ourselves into their shoes. What if everyone started to be hateful towards heterosexuals, for instance? Wouldn’t it be awful as well?

To conclude, the definition of sexuality has changed a lot, and it will continue to change, but in our perspective, it has changed in the right way, no one should be hated, discriminated or treated differently just because they do not follow the, alleged, social norms.


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