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TV's impact on older citizens

Updated: Jan 14, 2019

By Hugo Garrido


Sex is more frequently talked today than it was in the past, what is the impact of TV in the live of older people? As everyone knows the older generation is the generation that watches the most television out of everyone. Even though they watch television the most, they enjoy it less than younger people. Watching as much television as the older generation is known to watch can have an impact in their health and how their life is, in a negative way; the more they watch television, the more they come to learn that being a senior citizen has its impact on society.

Studies have been made that show that the more time they spend watching television, the worse they view their own age group. When they turn on TV, all they see is people their own age going through struggles and pain, senior citizens needing diapers, needing pills, who have fallen and cannot get up. Then they turn to the news and see even more pain in the older generation. Stories about old people committing suicide, Alzheimer’s and all the diseases that can come along with ageing.

After watching all of this, obviously they are affected, influenced by all these things being shown. The most they can do is not believe in what they see: the stereotypes, or just not watch as much television. A cartoonist called Jules Feiffer once put a dot in this problem, creating a trip in which an older man is talking to his TV, “no one loves me” he says and the tv replies “I love you”. This just comes to show how much the television is portrayed as present in a older person life.

To conclude, TV has a huge impact on the older generation due to how present it is in their daily lives and how much time they spend in front of the screen. Without television, some of the older people would not know what to do every day to pass time.


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