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The way sexuality is displayed on TV

By Joel Gaspar


As time goes by, every day we see television displaying more and more sexuality, whether it is through sexual scenes in shows or movies or TV programs that portray different sexual orientations. But how is television slowly changing the world’s view on sexuality?

We are currently in the middle of a cultural transition, where beliefs and ideas are being changed. If not a sexual revolution, it is a sexual evolution towards the idea that many people’s sexual orientation is neither gay nor straight and there are people that cannot state whether their gender is masculine or feminine, and as it has been done with many other topics of discussion, television is playing a huge role and affecting all of this. Sexuality is all over the place on television, with different shows and programs wanting to bring their ideas to the table in different ways. One of these ways is bombarding their viewers with the same thing, and everyone knows that the more you watch or listen to something, the higher the chances are of you being influenced.

Now diving into a specific topic in sexuality, we will talk about homosexuality. The more you see alternative identities, the more normal they become. More and more often are we seeing gay and lesbian characters make their way onto television, becoming as recognizable as all the other characters that have been present on TV all these years. With all of this being present nowadays, people’s minds have been changed from what the normal thinking was before, people are now much more tolerant of sexual orientations distinctly heterosexual or close to that matter. People now think and view things differently, and are much more acceptant of new ways of living and ideas.

To conclude, we all know the huge influence and impact television has on the lives of many that spend lots of their time watching television. With all the sexuality that is present there, the audience’s beliefs and ideas are bound to be changed and influenced by what they are watching every day.


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